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14 novembro, 2005

Eucalipto: mocinho ou bandido? Destruidor do solo ou salvador da economia?

Defendida por uns, odiada por outros, a espécie Eucalyptus gera polêmica pelo país. E as teses que defendem o seu plantio apresentam argumentos, no mínimo, estranhos, já que analisam a produção apenas sob a ótica capitalista.

O professor Walter de Paula Lima, ao defender essa espécie no artigo “O eucalipto seca o solo?”, afirmou que esse plantio não gera um deserto verde. Mas por que, então, o solo seca? Segundo o professor, em uma macro escala essa conseqüência seria atribuída às mudanças climáticas. Já em uma micro escala, onde ocorrem as ações de manejo, o culpado da seca seria o homem – que planta, colhe, destrói, desmata, preserva, compacta o solo, abre estradas, soterra nascentes, faz monoculturas extensas, planta até na beira do riacho.

Dessa forma, o eucalipto seria apenas o bode expiatório desse processo. Críticas à parte, o autor dessa obra-prima culpa o vilão do momento – o efeito estufa – e o homem - mas não de maneira genérica; o autor desse texto condena o agricultor, que sem um real incentivo do governo acaba caindo em programas como o fomento florestal – e esquece de falar das empresas que financiam esse tipo de programa.

Outra pérola literária é o artigo “O eucalipto não é vilão”, do professor peruano Marc Dourojeami. Segundo ele, os ambientalistas que criticam esse plantio sofrem de um persistente trauma mental. Ele também chama a atenção ao fato de que alguns ambientalistas se preocupem tanto com o eucalipto e não com os impactos de tantas outras plantas exóticas cultivadas, como o café, a cana-de-açúcar e também a soja, que ocupam espaços muitas vezes maiores que o eucalipto. (Mas é claro, Dourojeami não se alimenta, vive de eucalipto!) O professor afirma que a espécie é muito resistente a pragas e enfermidades, de rápido crescimento e altamente produtiva. (Produtiva e lucrativa pra quem?)

Como o professor Walter de Paula Lima, Dourojeami também acredita que o maior espaçamento entre árvores é um fator que contribui para facilitar a conservação da biodiversidade. (Alguém, por favor, pode me mostrar a biodiversidade apresentada na foto?)

Marc Dourojeami finaliza: “Ainda assim, o eucalipto é uma árvore bendita e, nem os ambientalistas se atrevem a falar mal dela em voz alta, embora, em surdina, reclamam que, no lugar do eucalipto, deveria se promover o plantio de espécies nativas (Polylepis e Buddleia) e isso realmente está sendo feito. Só que, o eucalipto se desenvolve de três a cinco vezes mais rápido e oferece toras retas ao invés de madeira retorta.” (Dois pontos pra refletir: ‘árvore bendita’ e ‘ao invés de madeira retorta’.)


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At 10:03 PM, Blogger Camila Fregona said...

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At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

Tadinha... vou postar então... boa matéria Camila! Só uma curisidade: vc postou isso 6:12 da manhã msm? Tava chegando do Vital, né! rsrs.. brincadeira. Bj.

At 6:42 PM, Blogger Vitor Taveira said...

Mto legal!!!!
é engraçado q alguns ainda tem a cara-de-pau de falar em "floresta de eucaliptos". Nunca vi floresta monobiótica...

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Fabio Malini said...

é bandido!!!

At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

é bandido pois prejudica muito a natureza!!!!!!e tambem pq um pé de eucalipto adulto consome em média por dia 32 litros de água!!!!!!!!!!!

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

Como é dificil entender.. gera recurso pra quem? pro homem trabalhador que tem proriedade e tem que sustentar uma família. Monocultura? melhor que cana de açucar, milho, entre outros que deixa o solo exposto, claro precisamos comer! Mas o a renda dessas culturas pode não compensar dependendo do tamanho da área. O eucalyptus consome muita água?! Antes veja oq ue outras florestas (Mata atlantica, Amazonia) retem. O homem não vai viver de frutas.. comer e pronto. Vcs estão em suas casa coms eus notebooks... criticando quem quer ganhar dinheiro, ter conforto... assim é fácil! Alias! vocês estão sentados onde?! Ah! não é de madeira? é de Metal? Mesmo assim! Vá se informar do que é necessario pra fabrica-la!! Não sejam cinicos, criticos! Vao estudar se informar!! Capitalista?! Quem não é?! Ou vocês moram numa cabana de sape, a luz de velas!?

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

O eucalipto não é o bandido, e sim a forma como ele é plantando. Toda monocultura gera degradação ambiental.
Está certo quem diz que eucalipto não vai à mesa..porêm,a mesa provavelmente será de Eucalipto. Ou Voces preferem que seja de um Jequitibá ou Maçaranduba cortado ilegalmente da floresta Atlantica?
O desmantamento ilegal é mais capitalista ainda, e pior, gera uma renda enorme para poucos e ainda utiliza trabalho escravo.
Se informar mais antes de apontar erros é o mais justo a se fazer.

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At 5:41 AM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

Dial the QuickBooks Payroll Phone Number 1888-567-1159 , we are providing technical support services at toll free QuickBooks Payroll Phone Number in USA. Dial QuickBooks Payroll Phone Number and choose a reliable and expert technician for a better and more appropriate QuickBooks customer service to set up your preferences in Payroll.

At 7:25 AM, Blogger YO YO HONEY SINGH said...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1-888-396-0208, Contact our Certified Intuit Experts to Solve Issues Quickly.

At 7:06 AM, Blogger YO YO HONEY SINGH said...

Contact with QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1-888-396-0208, we giving technical support services at toll free QuickBooks payroll support number in USA.

At 4:14 AM, Blogger YO YO HONEY SINGH said...

QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number is a bundled software application that helps you to follow sales, inventory, and customers efficiently and effectively. It allows business owners to stay on top of sales, thus maximizing their transactions and profit.Dial at +1-888-396-0208 for any issues and queries regarding POS(Point Of Sale).

At 3:15 AM, Blogger YO YO HONEY SINGH said...

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At 5:25 AM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

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At 4:09 AM, Blogger Mathew said...

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At 8:11 AM, Blogger YO YO HONEY SINGH said...

QuickBooks Unrecoverable Error, at times can be arduous to troubleshoot and fix. There can be myriad underlying issues and various errors that can cause unexpected behaviours for this software. Also, most users have reported this error after updating QuickBooks or their operating system.

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Mathew said...

IF you face any issue in your Quickbooks Enterprise, Just give us a Call at our Toll free number QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 and get your issue fix in no time. Enterprise develops with you, giving you a chance to scale from 1 to 30 clients who would all be able to work in the meantime. However, you keep up access and control, permission client authorizations as you see fit for your business.

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At 6:03 AM, Blogger rdsraftaar said...

The only number you need to call for technical help for QuickBooks..QuickBooks Payroll Desktop Support Number Support Phone Numberis all about getting the best help from QuickBooks Technical Support. This is a Toll Free Number 1888-567-1159. It is 24/7 Support Number. QuickBooks Customer Service gives the Excellent Tech Support. Best QB Experts are here to solve your issues. Call on our Helpline Number. Call us today

At 5:25 AM, Blogger Mathew said...

Quickbooks Not working properly? Dont worry. QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 and get help to make your business easy and fast. QuickBooks user can share our different types of problem related to QuickBooks and you can get expert advice and solve your problems in no time. Get in touch with us at our toll free Number.

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Subhash said...

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At 8:25 AM, Blogger Mathew said...

QuickBooks accounting software program is designed to support the accounting functionalities of small businesses of all sectors. This software is a one stop source that manages all your business accounting and financial tasks from a single device remotely on the go with stable internet connectivity. Manage your Business activities at Number 1888-396-0208. Dial our Toll free number to take the Help from our Certified Technicians.

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At 4:17 AM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

QuickBooks Upgrade 2018 is now available to all the Users. Give us a call right now and you will get the next UPGRADE completely FREE OF COST !In the event that you require help while updating the product, call us. Interface with our specialists by dialing QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number +1888-567-1159 toll free. It might seem easy to upgrade your Older QuickBooks Version to a latest one , but it isnt so . Upgrading your QuickBooks is a complex procedure and if you mess up , you might lose your QuickBooks data .

At 4:33 AM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

Use QuickBooks for Dummies for better understanding of the software.Breaking the traditional barriers of hiring professionals and accountants to work for hours, QuickBooks You may encounter a number of technical issues while using it. At times, you will require assistance while using QuickBooks. Therefore, Expert Support for your business accounting software is crucial. Dial 1888-567-1159 to get help from Experts.

At 7:20 AM, Blogger YO YO HONEY SINGH said...

QuickBooks "online accountant "keeps the payroll data safe and secure by utilizing industry-perceived security safeguards. It is important to keep your delicate payroll data secure. utilizes advanced encryption innovation to secure your data, run security keeps an eye on regular basis and also offer various consent levels with QB to restrict the access of the user.To get QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number Dial +1-888-396-0208.

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Mathew said...

The QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1888-396-0208 For QuickBooks Have Assisted Lots Of Problems When It Comes To The Online Accounting Issues. We Have The Dedicated Certified And Skilled Technician Team Who Can Work And Fix The Errors Related To QuickBooks.

At 2:58 AM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

QuickBooks Support for Small Businesses. Get technical help for your QuickBooks software from our certified experts, dial ☎(+1800-291-2485)Toll-Free QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number.

At 3:48 AM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

Numerous sorts of inquiries or QuickBooks related issue, at that point you are route the correct way. You simply give single ring at our without QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number.we will enable you to right arrangement as per your issue. We work on the web and can expel the specialized issues by means of remote access and when the issue happens we will settle the same.Dial 1888-567-1159 to contact us

At 4:55 AM, Blogger lucky said...

QuickBooks is software developed by Intuit, the well known QuickBooks software which has involved in our day to day activities. It is valid for every small to a medium size of business. This software aims at helping the business managers to manage their finances in just few clicks. It is very comprehensive accounting software which makes lives of the businessman quite easy by time to time sending you the reminders related to your financial issues and aspects. It also helps in giving you insight of your finances. QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number will always be there to help you out with nay technical issues round the clock.

At 2:36 AM, Blogger Mathew said...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number 1800-291-2485 is operational 24*7 just to provide you ease and comfort, while facing any problems, with the QuickBooks Enterprise. The QuickBooks Enterprise Technical Support Phone Number has the solutions to all your problems, with it.

At 4:08 AM, Blogger Mathew said...

QuickBooks POS Support 1800-291-2485 is a simple to-utilize programming for little and medium organizations. Worked with dependability and heartiness, it keeps your business composed.

At 3:43 AM, Blogger rdsraftaar said...

Our in house team of experts are trained intensively and educated regarding all segments of the software in order to provide solution to all errors from simple to complex within promised time period. Call on our toll free QuickBooks Payroll Support +-- and connect directly with our technical support staff for instant resolution.

At 5:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 4:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

There are situations when a business owner needs to migrate entire data into a new computer. It is very important to ensure that entire data migration is successfully done. For that you have to know the steps involved in the migration process. This will help you to smoothly migrate your QuickBooks financial data to a new computer system to prevent the data loss. If you want us to do it for you then dial our Quickbooks Tech Support Phone Number .

At 8:25 AM, Blogger lucky said...

Different representatives, assistant, CA, CPAs utilize Intuit QuickBooks Tech associations to get set up, figure examinations and pay authorities. Regardless, tragically, they do get particular sorts of issues, messes up for which they need to contact the QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Phone Number.

At 9:24 AM, Blogger rdsraftaar said...

Call our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number Phone Number at +1800-291-2485 and get QuickBooks Technical Assistance in a flash. Your call will be immediately exchanged to a client support delegate. Our normal reaction time is 10 seconds. We will associate you with our professional inside 10 seconds who will assist you with resolving your issue with QuickBooks. You can likewise start a talk with one of our administrator and look for QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1800-291-2485 on the off chance that you find visiting more comfortable. We settle all the QuickBooks issue, for example, execution issue, setup, establishment and QuickBooks company record blunders.

At 8:13 AM, Blogger YO YO HONEY SINGH said...

License of the software cannot be verified. “ QuickBooks Error 3371 : QuickBooks could not load the license data. This may be caused by missing or damaged files.” License of the software cannot be verified.QuickBooks users can get in touch with us on the toll free number +1888-396-0208 which is available round the clock for every user in case of any software related error.

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At 11:53 AM, Blogger support said...

We are third party provider for Accounting software.We can fix Your all accounting problems will beWeasily resolve with the help of our dedicated and dutiful 24×7 support system. If u need any help regarding a issue in your accounting software call our QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number and get the help from our technical experts anytime. Our solution team help you reliable when you need an instant solution of an Accounting with QuickBooks Latest version You can manage your sales and accounts without an error with these services.

At 7:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 4:27 AM, Blogger james said...

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At 8:37 AM, Blogger GEETA said...

. This is from the viewpoint of managing financial information.Intuit made QuickBooks accomplish your desired success. QuickBooks is accounting software for businesses that provide simple methods of managing your financial data.

At 2:15 AM, Blogger quickbboks tech support phone number +1(855)-236-7529 said...

QuickBooks Helpline Phone Number +1855-236-7529. QuickBooks is a world-class Accounting and Financial Management software capable of smoothening the entire accounting process by automating the tasks. Bookkeepers and Accountants from all over the world blindly trust the software because of its high accuracy and reliability. Or contact at QuickBooks Web Connector Error
Read more:

At 10:22 AM, Blogger Ilead said...

QuickBooks accounting software created a benchmark in the area of accounting & bookkeeping. In the past few years, the demand for this software increased so much that the Intuit has to double the productivity. In this post, we are going to discuss the quickbooks error code 80029c4a. This informative post includes topics like its causes & resolution.However, if the error code persists – you can contact the certified QuickBooks technicians of QuickBooks Error Support. Or you can get in touch with them by making a call on their toll-free number .i.e. +1(800)396-7703.

At 4:11 AM, Blogger qb enterprise support number said...

Now that you know that QuickBooks is not spared by errors, it would be sufficing for you to know that our team at QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number +1 888-238-7409 furnishes you with the best solutions. Visit us:-
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At 3:03 AM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

I would like to mention that your blog is a unique piece of information. Although written simply, yet it comprises of all the important information. Hope to get more from your side. Sometimes, while working on QuickBooks, users can get interrupted by the QuickBooks Error 6000 83. No worries as this error can be resolved through the support of executives at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-833-441-8848.

At 4:44 AM, Blogger qb enterprise support number said...

It’s really difficult to find such a quality blog on the internet today. Your blog reflects your in-depth knowledge of the topic. If you need accounting software, I would recommend you to try QuickBooks accounting solutions. It is cheap and powerful software with 24X7 support available on QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1-888-238-7409. Visit us:-

At 1:34 AM, Blogger qb enterprise support number said...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number

At 1:40 AM, Blogger qb enterprise support number said...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number

At 2:07 AM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

Your blog is probably one of the best blogs, I’ve ever read. This was the best information for me. I now insist upon the frequent sharing of your writings. Well, if your working on QuickBooks gets corrupted via the occurrence if the QuickBooks Error 6000 83, avail the 24*7 consultation services with QuickBooks experts and instant resolution of problems at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-833-441-8848.

At 2:14 AM, Blogger QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

There is something different about your blog. All the facts and information seem so realistic. It is rare to find such a well-crafted post. However, if you ever come across technical doubts such as the QuickBooks Error -6150, -1006, report it and acquire the assistance of highly qualified experts at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-833-441-8848.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Ilead said...

QuickBooks accounting software created a benchmark in the area of accounting & bookkeeping. In the past few years, the demand for this software increased so much that the Intuit
has to double the productivity. In this post, we are going to discuss the quickbooks point of sale invalid product number This
informative post includes topics like its causes & resolution.This error happens When users try to open or register Point of Sale, then the user sees the following error:
Error code 176109: Invalid Product Code or Invalid Product Number. Here in this post, read the instruction to fix this error. You also can dial our point of sale support number
and talk to out Intuit certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor at +1-800-396-7703 in order to save your time and effort.

At 2:36 AM, Blogger Tech Customer Support Number said...

Amazing Post Man, too good!
While going through your wonderful Post, I was able to connect it well with my problem. You have explained the concept in layman language that is well understood and the facts you have presented are very authentic. I personally admire your writing style. To manage your time more efficiently in your business, QuickBooks accounting software is the most prominent solution. While working on the application, you face some errors; one such is QuickBooks Error H505. Thus, to fix QuickBooks Error H505 you can contact QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833-228-2822 and avail prominent solutions from our QuickBooks Experts.

At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

I really enjoyed reading your post. The introduction of content was the focal point to seek the attention of the reader. You can manage your time and money by downloading QuickBooks. This software has an extensive user-based worldwide. Our QuickBooks Desktop Support Phone Number 1-844-200-2627 is available to answer all your queries 24x7 hours. You can reach us at any time and avail of all the information related to this accounting software. Visit us:

At 3:47 AM, Blogger qb enterprise support number said...

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At 1:59 AM, Blogger thomas said...

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Know how to fix Quickbooks Error 620 to get in touch.
Dial : 1-844-908-0801,1-844-999-0406.

At 1:59 AM, Blogger thomas said...

Lockdown is running in the whole country due to coronavirus, in such an environment we are committed to provide the best solutions for QuickBooks Support Phone Number.
Know how to fix Quickbooks Error 620 to get in touch.
Dial : 1-844-908-0801,1-844-999-0406.

At 1:45 AM, Blogger thomas said...

Lockdown is running in the whole country due to coronavirus, in such an environment we are committed to provide the best solutions for QuickBooks Support Phone Number.
Dial QuickBooks Number to get in touch.
Dial : 1-844-908-0801,1-844-999-0406.

At 7:21 AM, Blogger thomas said...

Lockdown is running in the whole country due to coronavirus, in such an environment we are committed to provide the best solutions for QuickBooks Support Phone Number.
Dial QuickBooks Support Phone Number Denver to get in touch.
Dial : 1-844-908-0801,1-844-999-0406.

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